Clinic is Closed

  • Facility did not maintain the narcotics count. There was a discrepancy (Fentanyl) while the inspector was present. (repeat violation)
  • Facility failed to follow their own policy to maintain preventative maintenance and monitoring on equipment that sterilizes instruments used from woman to woman.
  • The physician failed to provide the pregnant women with the name and telephone number of the nearest hospital to the home of the pregnant woman at which an emergency arising from the abortion would be treated. (repeat violation)
  • Failed to maintain an accurate, consistent and complete record on patients.
  • The physician failed to ensure that the patients were scheduled for a follow-up appointment within 14 days after a medication abortion as required by FDA regulations.
  • The licensee failed to be responsible for implementing and enforcing written policies governing the facility’s total operation and for ensuring that these policies are administered so as to provide health care in a safe and professionally acceptable environment.
  • The facility failed to ensure a safe and sanitary environment, properly maintained to protect the health and safety of patients and staff at all times. There was a large water stain approximately 3 feet X 10 inches in size observed on the ceiling of the recovery room. The presence of a water stain presents the risk for bacteria growth and contamination.
  • There were no human trafficking signs placed in the consultation rooms as required to ensure women that they can be helped if they are being coerced or forced to have an abortion.
  • There was ANOTHER narcotics count discrepancy on the log. (repeat violation)
  • Unsterile procedure room: dust and debris flying everywhere from a fan the staff used to keep cool
  • Patients were either not provided access to contact the hospital nearest to their homes in case of a post-abortive complication or were given the wrong hospital information
  • No attempts were made to follow up with a patient who was post-abortive and missed her follow up appointment. Protocol is to try to contact the patient 3x.
  • Sonogram machine displayed the wrong information (time)
  • Hazardous material was improperly stored in procedure room
Report 2017 Report 2018 Report 2018 Report 2020 Report 2021
DISCLAIMER: All of the inspection reports on this site were acquired through public records request to state departments of health and public records online.