Health Violations

  • Medical records review revealed that patient had an adverse reaction (severely low blood pressure) to sedation and it was not reported to the physician or medical director. The RN administering the sedation had no advanced prescribing privileges, in other words she was not licensed to be administering the meds. Physician has no record of current CPR training;
  • Expired medications and supplies were in use including a bag of saline in the procedure room that was 2 years old;
  • Staff failed to follow their infection control policy for cleaning after a spill. During tour of Exam room one, just after a patient exited the room, the inspector observed the HCA #6 cleaning what he/she identified as fresh blood on the floor, to the left of the exam table and in front of the large white bucket bearing a biohazard label. The white bucket contained a used metal vaginal speculum. Employee #6 (HCA) verified, during an interview conducted on 2/9/15, that the fresh blood appears to have dripped from the speculum that was just used during the pelvic exam. The Surveyor observed HCA #6 cleaning up the blood spill with paper towels and several sprays of Oxivir TB solution, instead of the appropriate bleach solution per facility policy;
  • Staff did not have current TB skin tests – No policy for Adverse reaction to medication and a HIPAA breach was not reported either;
  • Two physicians were not CPR certified;
  • Nurse administering conscious sedation was had no certification for administering sedation medication;
  • Patient had an adverse reaction to sedation and it was not reported to the physician and no record of treatment or intervention is recorded. There are no standing orders for intervention when there is an adverse reaction and the manager revealed that the nurse gave the orders for meds to be pushed in this incident, which is out of her scope of practice;
  • Tears found on exam tables preventing proper cleaning and exposes patients to bodily fluids.
  • Failure to perform/follow up on spore testing, fined $500


Report 2015 Report 2015 Report 2015 Report 2015 Report 2020 Report 2020
DISCLAIMER: All of the inspection reports on this site were acquired through public records request to state departments of health and public records online.