• Surveyor for the State of California was denied access to patient records and the facility when a complaint was filed. After a two hour wait, the Clinic Regional Director stated she wanted to “review” the file of the complainant before allowing access to the surveyor and would need the patient to fill out a medical release form before she would allow the inspector to see the chart. Patient had a medical abortion and came in for a follow-up where she was informed by staff that her ultrasound showed a “complete abortion’. Two weeks later,  patient woke up bleeding heavily and passing clots “the size of a baseball”. Patient was rushed to the hospital after passing out stating “…I could have died”. Hospital records show “profound vaginal bleeding due to incomplete abortion from medical abortion.” Findings showed that three extra medications were given to patient that were not included in the medical abortion protocol. Patient required surgery and blood transfusion of two units and was informed that her uterus “had not closed yet” and contained blood and “pregnancy tissue”
  • Facility failed to provide qualified staff to perform the transvaginal ultrasound.
  • Unlicensed/unqualified/untrained staff providing patient care.
  • Associate Medical Director stated that all 20 clinics that she oversees are run the same way and that the head of ultrasound trainers was trained in house and not a certified ultrasound technician.
Report 2016 Report 2016
DISCLAIMER: All of the inspection reports on this site were acquired through public records request to state departments of health and public records online.