Clinic is closed

We made a record request in June 2019 to the Oregon Department of Health. Here is their response:

There are two Planned Parenthood affiliates in Oregon, each having multiple clinics – Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (PPCW) and Planned Parenthood of Southern Oregon (PPSO). Oregon Health Authority does not license these facilities. There are no new Lovejoy responsive records since the 2017 request submitted. This will complete your request.

Jeanne Windham

Public Records and Internal Litigation Process Coordinator


Fiscal and Operations Division

500 Summer St. NE, E-20

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 947-5593



  • Medications intended to be used for one patient are used for multiple patients (single dose used as multi-dose);
  • Anesthesia and other medications were not properly prepared, labeled and discarded when expired;
  • Pre-operative and Post-operative patients were in the same bay and not given any privacy, a curtain between them only pulled ⅓ closed;
  • The standard professional practice of maintaining a sanitary environment was not met;
  • Nurse on more than one occasion introduced medication into a patient’s IV port without using an antiseptic swab before entering the needle into the port. This is unacceptable practice;
  • The employee did not use proper hand washing technique to maintain a sanitary environment to reduce infection risk. Instruments not properly sterilized;
  • August 2015 – Building inspection revealed several deficiencies in not upholding Ambulatory Surgical Center regulations, fire safety, and emergency preparedness.
Report 2015 Report 2015 Report 2015
DISCLAIMER: All of the inspection reports on this site were acquired through public records request to state departments of health and public records online.