Clinic is Limited to 15 weeks

  • Failure to document job descriptions for LPN, surgery assistant, and sonogram tech, “hand holders” and other staff
  • Unlicensed, unqualified, untrained staff providing patient care.
  • Failure to ensure patients, family, or representatives are informed of their right to report complaints, neglect, and fraud.
  • Facility failed to display clinic license so that patients could see it. Clinic was licensed to perform abortions up to 12 weeks, but was regularly performing abortions exceeding this by not documenting gestational age. Patients did not know the clinic wasn’t licensed for these procedures because the license wasn’t posted in public. (Repeated deficiency)
  • Facility failed to comply with building standards. Facility did not have hands free hand washing sinks near exam/procedure areas.
  • Expired Medications and supplies. Facility was using out of date meds and out dated supplies used during abortion procedures including vacuum tubes and supplies, surgical blades, test strips, and needles.
  • Failure to purchase and maintain required equipment. Facility did not have a portable suction machine for use in emergency.
  • Failure to accurately document patient records. Failure to ensure first trimester abortions were not performed in excess of 14 weeks. Clinic failed to properly document last known menstrual period for patients resulting in second trimester abortions being performed as if they were first trimester.
Report 2016 Report 2017
DISCLAIMER: All of the inspection reports on this site were acquired through public records request to state departments of health and public records online.