Houston Women’s Reproductive Medical Services

No safety testing done on electrical equipment including suction machines, exam lamps, and lab equipment Staff did not sterilize medical instruments or surfaces between procedures Expired medication was found available for use Blood specimens found in medication refrigerator Dirty utility room with no sterile water available Disinfectant solution meant for vaginal instruments found in dirty […]

A Preferred Women’s Health – Raleigh

No clinic policy on checking for expired medication and needles. The physician is responsible for examining the aborted baby after a surgical abortion to ensure that the baby’s whole body was removed during the procedure. The baby is ripped apart during a procedure, so the physician is responsible for ensuring that no parts of the […]

A Woman’s Choice Miami Lakes

Expired medications and supplies were in use. Patients were not monitored by appropriate licensed personnel in recovery. Equipment was not in good repair. Medical director did not review the policies and procedures annually. The administrator and financial officer did not have a background check. Patients were not given the toll-free number for complaints, abuse, and […]

Planned Parenthood -New Haven

Single use patient intravenous fluids were being used for multiple patients The staff failed to maintain complete and accurate medical records (repeat violation) There were expired medications in use that were not labeled or properly stored. The medications were being stored in a refrigerator with patient refreshments (food and drink). The staff failed to follow […]

Planned Parenthood Orlando

Expired medications on the emergency crash cart Biohazard specimens were being stored in the same refrigerator as medications (injectables) Clinic closed in 2018

All Women’s Health Center of Gainesville

Expired medications in use Facility failed to ensure that all clinical equipment and supplies were clean and in good repair An uncovered disposable oxygen mask was seen dangling from an oxygen canister touching a trash can containing a biohazard bag. The administrator stated the mask was “cleaned and reused between patients”. Facility failed to ensure […]

Alamo Reproductive Services Clinic

There was no appointed medical director at this clinic when surveyors inspected the records. The facility had competing/conflicting policies and procedures The staff could not identify a medical director or determine who was in charge to make overall decisions in the clinic This facility had no written and implemented orientation and training program Facility failed […]

Women’s Center of Saginaw

Staff failed to properly label opened multi-dose vials of medications (repeated violations)  There was no clear documentation of narcotics count (repeated violations) Expired medications and supplies were in use on the emergency crash cart Registered Nurse failed to date an opened vial of Midazolam found in the narcotics cabinet 

Eastland Women’s Clinic

Findings included failure of the facility to maintain a transfer log with case outcome. The Administrator could provide a log containing four patient transfers, but by the end of the survey one chart could still not be located, and complete information related to case reviews were not found. Facility failed to maintain complete medical records. […]

A Woman’s Choice -Greensboro (formerly Piedmont – Carolina Medical Clinic)

Staff failed to obtain a proper informed consent for surgical abortion on 7 of 8 medical records reviewed There was no RN on duty documented on all 10 daily abortion procedure logs reviewed. It is a requirement that an RN be on staff when abortions are performed. Expired medications were in use (Lidocaine and Epinephrine) […]